Welcome to our FAQ Page where we try to answer the most common questions you might have. If you don’t see your question below, please feel free to reach out by clicking the Contact Us link at the top of the page.
Advancement is one of the methods that is used to deliver the aims and purposes of Scouting. All scouts are encouraged to advance, because it gives them recognition for accomplishment, teaches them useful skills, and gives them a benchmark by which to measure their progress. Unlike Cub Scouts, where all scouts advance in rank by age or grade, Boy Scout advancement is not tied to a specific timetable. There are scouts who advance to Eagle by the age of 14, and there have been some who reach age 18 without advancing higher than Tenderfoot.
Yes! Even if your scout wasn’t part of the BSA Cub Scouting program, they are eligible to join once they turn 11 years old. They can participate in BSA troops until they are 18 years old.
There is no need to contact the troop leadership (Scoutmaster/Assistant Scout Masters) for a typical meeting night if your scout can’t make it. Your scout should contact his Patrol Leader. And if you son is serving as a Patrol Leader, he should contact his Assistant Patrol Leader and the Senior Patrol Leader.
Over a ten year span, over 100 scouts have achieved Eagle rank within Troop 2970.
It depends! The Troop conducts camp outs, hiking treks, flag retirement ceremonies, service projects, and excursions to historic locations such as Gettysburg, or the Battleship New Jersey, to name a few. The reason for the diversity of activities is that this is a Scout led Troop, meaning the Scouts plan the schedule of events for the year. The adult leadership is in place to assist with executing the vision and maintaining a safe environment at all times.
Meetings are conducted during the school year every Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm at Our Saviors Way Lutheran Church in Ashburn.
Check the online Troop calendar or our App for the latest updates. We also communicate through email, from Patrols, Committee, and our Scoutmaster. Check your email frequently for emails from Troop leadership, and please make sure we have your current email addresses. We encourage Scouts to have a personal email account when parents feel they are ready for one.
Yes! Upon joining troop 2970, your scout will be placed in a new scout patrol, which has a senior scout from the troop assigned as the patrol leader. The new scout patrol is assisted by several Assistant Scout Masters within the troop, and our New Scout coordinator. The Patrol Leader and the assigned ASM’s help the new scout patrol integrate into the troop and begin understanding how to advance through the scouting ranks.